Avengers Academy Wikia

"We are Groot!"


The walking, talking tree with a small vocabulary, Groot is a character you could first recruit to your academy during the Guardians of the Galaxy Event. His Recruitment Quest was Get GROOT! and Best Friends in the Galaxy! His Mission Board Quests can be found here.



Combat Attributes[]

Groot was never released for combat in Avengers Academy 2.0.


Groot's Rank 1 outfit is a red, yellow, and green wrist band on his right wrist.

Groot's Rank 5 appearance is slightly more developed, and instead of leaves growing on his body, there are pink flowers.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Event[]

Leo Fitz, Hulk, and Groot teamed up to improve their communication skills. They initially researched and practiced different techniques, before deciding they're happy as they already are.

Character Relationships[]


Drax is a fellow member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.


Gamora is a fellow member of the Guardians ofthe Galaxy.


Leo Fitz, Hulk, and Groot worked together to study and implement different techniques to improve their communication skills.

Leo Fitz[]

Leo Fitz, Hulk, and Groot worked together to study and implement different techniques to improve their communication skills.

Rocket Raccoon[]

Rocket Raccoon is a fellow member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Rocket's the only character, besides Wasp, that can understand Groot's speech.


Singularity thinks Groot's hilarious and tries to do impersonations of him.


Star-Lord is a fellow member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Thor (Jane Foster)[]

Thor taught Groot how to fly with his magical hammer when he became Thor Groot.


Wasp and Groot instantly bonded over their love for music. She's the only character, besides Rocket Raccoon, that can understand Groot's speech.


Groot is voiced by ???

  • "I am Groot."
  • "I...am...Groot."
  • "I...am Groot!"

Gratitude Lines[]

  • "I am Groot!"


Icon Name Time Location Rank Notes
Action Be One With Nature
Be One with Nature 3m Groot's Grove 1
Action Fight With Friends
Fight with Friends 15m Cosmic Combat Simulator (dummy) 1 requires Rocket Raccoon
Mar action use the bifrost@4x
See the Worlds 15m The Bifrost 5
Action Set the Scene
Set the Scene 15m Club Galaxy (dance floor) 1
Mar action club a
Stay Hydrated 15m Club A (bar) 2
Mar action night out v3@4x Protect the Environment 30m The Quinjet Hangar (Quinjet) 3
Mar action use computer large v2@4x
Buy Concert Tickets 45m The Timeless Archives (computer) 2
Mar action hidden shield large v2@4x
Research Planet X 4h S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q. (inside) 4
Action Set the Scene
Light It Up 4h Club Galaxy (dance floor) 1
Mar action night out v3@4x Use Auto-Pilot 4h Milano Starship 1
Action Call Down the Fire
Call Down the Fire 15m Quad 1 Requires Thor Groot outfit
Action Trees Can Fly
Trees Can Fly 15m Quad (flying) 1 Requires Thor Groot outfit


Thor Groot[]

  • Available for a limited time during the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Event
    • 445 Shards
  • Available for a limited time during the Thor: Ragnarok Event
    • Ragnarok Resistance Rate, 55 shards each
  • Adds Actions: Call Down the Fire & Trees Can Fly!
  • Related Quest: Get Thor Groot!


  • Groot is the only member of the Guardians of the Galaxy to not have a bobble head unlocked through bonus challenges.
  • Groot's resources were available to be collected before he awakened from his escape pod.
  • Groot was originally only supposed to have three ranks. His rank 5 title was his rank 3 title. That is why he has no rank title for ranks 3 and 4.


Icon Gallery[]
